Stamp Duty (2020)
Buyer need to pay stamping fee to government when obtain title.
① Sub-sale (second hand) :need to deposit when buy
② Pre-build (project) : need to pay when strat out
Stamp duty to register title in Malaysia, Calculation as follows;
・Up to RM100,000 : 1% (Max RM1,000)
・RM100,001 ~ RM500,000 : 2% (Max RM8,000)
・RM500,001 ~ RM1,000,000 : 3% (Max RM15,000)
・RM1,000,001 ~ : 4%
①RM800,000 value property
・RM1,000 + RM8,000 + 9,000 (3%) = RM18,000
②RM2,500,000 value property
・RM1,000 + RM8,000 + RM15,000 + RM60,000 (4%) = RM84,000